Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Monster-ous Adventures Pt. 2 "Bacon Cooookies?"

"Me tan... like cookies."

Burger Wednesday almost went up in flames when our 'Resident Cookie Monster', as we've decided to call him now, decided the grill was the perfect place for a morning sun bath! Luckily Elvis Parsley isn't color blind and saw him before he turned on the grill!

"Cookie Monster! What are you doing?! I could have turned your blue fuzz into a bright fire red!" He exclaimed pulling him from the metal seat.

"Me tan like cookie? Smell like cookie maybe?" The monster asked excitedly, unaware of the hungry flames he'd just avoided.
"Sure, a chocolate bacon cookie maybe." Elvis Parsley said taking him inside wrinkling his nose as the Monster's natural sugary scent mixed oddly with the meaty oder of the grill.

"Weeeeeeeeeeee! Me like merry-go-round!"

"What's that awful noise?"
FaraFondant and Ms. Baker wondered aloud as they peeked around the front counter and noticed a little blue blob spinning round in the corner.
"Cookie Monster, what are you doing?" Laughed the girls as they walked over to the spinning monster.
"Cookie Monster like merry-go-round!" He announced as he spun round and round.
"But what about the music cookie monster? You're making it skip and jump." Ms. Baker pointed out as Beethoven's 9th symphony jolted harshly from note to note like an elephant on a trampoline.
"Cookie monster get off for cookie?" He asked innocently.
"Monster can have a cookie if he get's off the record player." Farafondant agreed.
"OKAY! ME WANT COOKIE." Monster exclaimed jumping from the player and running over to the case as fast as his fuzzy blue feet could carry him.
"Me want choco chip.. no craisin.. no.. lemon!... but no.. me want... snickerdoodle?.. no.. we want.. me like...ALL THE COOKIES."
"We can share a cookie, cookie monster." Ms. Baker said taking out a snickerdoodle and breaking it into three pieces for Farafondant, Monster and herself.
"But me want whole cookie." Monster protested as he gobbled down his portion.
"Sharing with your friends is better than eating a cookie all alone, monster." Ms. Baker encouraged patting the fuzzy blue monster on the head.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Monster-ous Adventures Pt. 1 "Cooookie?"

"Me smell... coooookie?"

A very special customer came in our doors today. Though perhaps 'customer' is a loose term. He seems quite content to wander, explore and of course, stare at the cookies!

"Coooookie! Me no can reach!!"

"What cookies these?" He asked as he climbed into his candy jar perch.
"Chocolate Chip, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal Craisin, Snickerdoodle and this week a special Lemon cookie." Candice Cookie, our resident cookie baker maker expert answered him.
"Mmmmm, me want Craisin cooookie!" Monster announced loudly leaning over to stare, his mouth watering.

"We may need to instal a child lock on the case soon, before he finds his way in there and eats them all!" FaraFondant warned. "Cookie Monsters are notoriously smart when it comes to cookie munching."